At Booker Hill School, we deeply value the significance of a knowledge-rich science curriculum. Science is more than just an accumulation of facts; it's a discipline of wonder, questioning, and discovery. Grounded in the robust standards of the National Curriculum, our programme not only furnishes our pupils with the knowledge they need but enriches their learning journey with hands-on experiences and experiments. These tangible experiences breathe life into theoretical concepts, making science palpable and genuinely engaging for our young learners.
Adopting a meticulous, small-steps approach, we ensure that knowledge and skills are carefully planned and sequenced in each year, across topics. This strategic progression ensures that by the time our pupils complete their primary education, they are well-equipped and confident, ready to meet the end goals set by the curriculum.
Our curriculum provider is the 'Developing Experts' scheme. This scheme, chosen for its research-backed methodology, lays equal emphasis on developing substantive knowledge and honing domain-specific skills. Furthermore, we recognise the profound link between a well-rounded science curriculum and the enhancement of cultural capital. In a rapidly evolving world, an understanding of science shapes informed citizens who are both curious and critical. At Booker Hill we aim to empower our pupils with this cultural capital, making them not just recipients of knowledge, but active contributors to our collective future.