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Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

The pupil premium is a government initiative that targets additional money to children who may be facing barriers to learning and require more support in school. The government uses the number of children eligible for free school meals as an indicator for the level of deprivation that may impact on education.

We use this money to provide adults and resources that will ensure that there is little or no difference between the achievement of children eligible for free school meals and those that are not.

It should be noted that the strategies facilitated by the introduction of the pupil premium are planned for the academic year (Sept-Aug) whereas the allocation is received for the financial year (Apr-March)

Read Our Full Strategy Statement for 2024 - 2027

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(Click on the picture above to view our current Pupil Premium Strategy Statement)

Register Your Child for Pupil Premium

If you are unsure if your child qualifies or not to receive the funding, ask at the front office. To check if you're eligible, click on the picture below and complete the form.

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