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Booker Hill Blog


Mad Hatter's Tea Party (17/07/24)

Year 2 Seaside Trip (04/07/24)

PTA Summer Fayre (21/06/24)

Y5 Camping Trip (08/06/24)

Sports Day (06/06/24)

Year 3 Living Rainforest Trip (24/05/24)

Golden Time Plus (23/05/24)

Nursery's Ducklings (07/05/24)

YR Ark Farm Visit (25/04/24)

Year 1 Ball (26/03/24)

Year 4 Trip to RAF Halton (25/03/24)

Year 3 Chocolate Tasting (22/03/24)

Year 6 Church Visit (18/03/24)

Reception's Safari Hunt (15/03/24)

Y1 Beekeeper visit (11/03/24)

Careers Week (4-8/03/24)

Thanks to Mr Bowden for organising another successful careers week! The children met people from a range of professions throughout the week, including: A charity worker (One Can Trust), a musician, a police woman, a nurse, a doggie-day care business owner (Claire's Comfy Canine's!), a photographer and even Andy Instone from Urban Strides. Thank you so much to all of our volunteers - it was an inspirational week. 

World Book Day (07/03/24)

World Book Day fell within our Careers Week this year... which worked out perfectly. All children (and staff) enjoyed coming to school in their pyjamas and the day started with a whole school bedtime story. The children joined various webcasts with authors and illustrators throughout the day, took part in shared reading with other year groups, and very much enjoyed, "DROP EVERYTHING AND READ!" Thank you to Miss White for coordinating.

Message from Urban Strides! (01/02/24)

Year 4 Young Voices (01/02/24)


Reception met the Giant African Land Snails today (28/02/24)

Year 6 & Year R Shared Reading (18/01/24)