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Religious Education

At Booker Hill School, our vision is to inspire our children to be thoughtful and inquisitive as they are learning about religion, beliefs, values and human life. We aim to extend their knowledge of the principle religions and different worldviews, equipping them to answer challenging questions and to express their own ideas with sensitivity. We want them to be able to objectively select information and to give reasons for their views - always keeping in consideration the thoughts and beliefs of others.

Our R.E lessons will reflect on the children’s experience of the world and the beliefs, values and attitude that guide them through life. We aim to contribute to community cohesion by engaging the whole school community in an exploration of identity and community in the local, national and global context.  We hope to see that, as the children are growing together, they come to value what is good, true and kind - developing our school values of perseverance, respect, possibilities and sharing.

Our curriculum design is based on the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus for RE, which states its core vision as: “We seek to ensure that all pupils in our schools develop spiritually, academically, emotionally and morally.” This helps them understand themselves and others and cope with the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities of living in a rapidly changing world.

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