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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

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Equalities Statement

 Pupils at this school are enthusiastic about their learning and their school life. They are proud to be part of an inclusive school community. One pupil summed up the views of many, saying: ‘Everyone, from anywhere in the world, is welcome here.’

Leaders have high expectations for how pupils and adults should treat each other. They teach pupils what behaviour they expect. As a result, pupils behave well across the school. Pupils feel safe. They play happily together in the school’s carefully designed zones, such as the outdoor gym and the designated quiet spaces. On the rare occasions when behaviour is less positive, including any bullying, staff address this swiftly and effectively.   (Ofsted Nov 2023)

 As confirmed by Ofsted, Booker Hill is a fully inclusive school and is committed to ensuring that all pupils, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation have equal opportunities to achieve to the best of their abilities.

 The school keeps careful track of how all groups and individuals are doing in relation to their starting points.  Current analysis of pupil progress and attainment shows that all groups across the school are achieving well and that levels of attainment for all groups are consistently similar. 

 A balanced and well-structured PSHE curriculum ensures that all children have the skills to become well rounded citizens.

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities


(Click on the icon above to learn more about the Local Authorities SEND Local Offer)

Our school SENDCo is Mrs C Andrews. Mrs Andrew can be contacted at SEND@bookerhillschool.co.uk

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